Con-Chair message
Hello Everyone!
Thank you so much for choosing to attend Tora-Con 2025! I hope everyone has a great time and enjoys the convention and all we have to offer!
With this being our 20th anniversary we are so happy to have everyone with us. It has been quite a long haul thus far and lots of road bumps along the way, but nothing makes me happier than seeing everyone get together and have a great time on convention day! (Well, maybe spending copious amounts of money on vendors and artists makes me happier…)
Our RIT providers deserve a huge round of applause. Tech Crew, University Arenas, Public Safety, Campus and Clubs Life and Finance, and FMS are all extremely important to us and have helped us every step of the way in making sure this convention was a success. Without them there would be no convention here at RIT.
Additionally, I have to offer a big thanks to our Guest Department as they have moved mountains to get us so many wonderful people this year. They have spent many hours and sleepless nights responding to emails, haunting RIT’s legal team’s dreams, and scheduling to make sure that we could make it so that everyone can get a chance to see their favorite voice actors, cosplayers, and other guests.
Our Staff have worked tremendously hard, from our student Artists designing all of our Art, to our Events Panels coordinators trying to coordinate all of our outside and inside events and panels, to our workforce coordinators coordinating all of our volunteers. They all have spent so much time and effort into making sure all the pieces of the puzzle have been able to fit together. Their job is hard, and it's unpaid, not to mention the grand majority are all undergraduate students.
Your attendance as well is one of the biggest driving factors in us being able to hold this convention. Tora-Con is a non-profit organization run by students and alumni, so having you all here is an important sign that shows us all the effort we spent over the year between classes, exams, and papers, was indeed worth it. I believe I speak from the bottom of all of our staff’s hearts, when I say, Thank you for attending Tora-Con 2025.
Aidan Wynne
Convention Chair Tora-Con 2025