Contact Us

General Assistance (Information Coordinator)

If you have a general question or are not sure who you should ask your question to, send an email to our Information Coordinator


Registration Assistance

If you have questions directly relating to registering for a badge, send an email to our Registration Coordinator


Volunteering Assistance

If you have questions regarding volunteering opportunities, send an email to our Workforce Coordinator at:


Panels Assistance

If you have questions regarding applying for and running a panel, send an email to our Panels Coordinator at:


Vendors Assistance

If you have questions about applying to be a vendor at Tora-Con, send an email to our Vendors Coordinator at:


Artists Alley Assistance

If you have questions about applying to the Tora-Con Artists Alley, send an email to our Artists Alley Coordinator at:


AMV Contest Assistance

If you have questions regarding the AMV Contest, send an email to our AMV Contest Coordinator at:


Cosplay Contest Assistance

If you have questions regarding the Cosplay Contest, send an email to our Cosplay Contest Coordinator at


Mascot Contest Assistance

If you have questions regarding the Mascot Art Contest, send an email to our Mascot Art Contest Coordinator at:


Table Swap Assistance

If you have questions regarding marketing swap, send an email to our media Coordinator at:
